Week 9 – GTD – Getting Things Done – Part 1

This is a Heading.

“Day 092/366 – To Do List” by Great Beyond is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Your toughest work is defining what your work is! –  Peter Drucker


  • I did some work and procrastinated a lot.


Image of David Allen at TED Talk
Screenshot from David Allen TED Talk

In this ‘room’ you are going to try Getting Things Done (GTD).


Screenshot of David Allen TED Talk
Screenshot of David Allen TED Talk

late assignments:

  • flow charts blog post
  • workflow blogpost
  • recipe for success blog post
  • 50 square feet within discusson
  • creative writing assignments
  • analyzing gorilla, my love
  • (4) independent reading discussion
  • lesson 1 review (japanese)

current assignments:

  • this one
  • keystone species research
  • formatting essay assignment


Screenshot of David Allen TED Talk
Screenshot of David Allen TED Talk
  • workflow blog post
  • recipe for success blog post
  • lesson 1 review
  • analyzing gorilla, my love
  • 50 square feet within discussion
  • formatting essay
  • creative writing assignment
  • keystone species research
  • independent reading research




David Allen image
Oct. 2020 Lucidchart interview with David Allen
Image from FastCompany Magazine, https://www.fastcompany.com/3026827/the-brain-hacks-top-founders-use-to-get-the-job-done
Image from FastCompany Magazine, https://www.fastcompany.com/3026827/the-brain-hacks-top-founders-use-to-get-the-job-done
  • Reflect on GTD and getting to the top of the colorful list above for a minute
    • How can the GTD process help you tame the crazy-busy dragon of modern life?


  • lists actually helped quite a lot and i was able to get rid of a few missing assignments I had.

Developing Quality Workflow

What is Workflow?

Work•flow /ˈwərkflō/

“The sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion.” – lexico.com

What is a quality workflow?  How do we develop it?  Below are elements of the production cycle that most creative people move through as they create something.  First, we must identify the stages of project production. What is each stage and what are the quality checks for each stage.  Read on and find out!

Stages of Creation Development


How do we find ideas to develop?

  • We should use our brains because that is where all ideas come from.
  • We could use meetings to discuss what kind of game we want to create, and discuss ideas
  • would it work? is it interesting? is it in budget? ow hard would it be to develop it?
  • we could vote on the idea as a committee to see whether a majority of us would want to go through with it


How do we clarify our specific goal(s) for a project?

  • we should use a list to write down goals as to easily identify our goals
  • well we should first start by outlining some perimeters as to better understand what Ideas would be valid
  • by determining that idea’s value within the specific scenario like what type of game are we gonna make? what features do we want to include? etc.
  • Once again I think that voting on an idea is the best way.


How can we brainwrite, brainstorm, storyboard, and plan our ideas at this phase?

  • well a google doc would fulfill the purpose quite well
  • we should focus and fleshing out the main aspects of the story as well features we might include
  • I believe that in this stage an idea’s value is based on whether it would make sense to include it by asking questions like would it make the game cluttered? would players enjoy that?
  • still I think a group decision between the people making it would be good


How do we communicate with each other and execute our plan for this phase? This is where we actually make the project.

  • emails, an online list, etc. really we could use anything
  • everyone should check emails or a messaging system every day and have it open through out the day so that if anything changes they know about it
  • is the game fun? is it working as intended? are there any bugs that need fixing? is the game play engaging?
  • the development team, and an appointed “leader” who has the most knowledge and experience in the group


How do we communicate with each other and execute our final stages of the project for this phase? This is where we publish the project.

  • once again we can use almost anything such as emails, a messaging system, maybe a zoom call, etc.
  • bi-weekly meetings in which we could discuss the game and such topics
  • if it some sort of fighting or battling game does anything need any last minute balancing
  • the whole team should now reconvene and approve the game or point out small details they think could use a quick fix


How do we share our project with our learning community, advisory members, and the world?

  • social media, videos, maybe even small ads?
  • establish a marketing team who would know how to advertise the game and then do so
  • does the ad/video/social media post attract people to the game, did it get people talking, are people talking about the game to others?
  • the marketing team


How do we conduct a feedback session at the end of the project development cycle?

  • if your talking about player feedback we could have both a social media account and an email address made for the game where players could give feedback
  • we could use any process we felt was necessary to accomplish the task
  • is the feedback people sending relevant and informative? do people know where to send feedback?
  • the production team

Game Design – Week 7 – Tools, Time, and Rooms

CreativeCommons image Tool Stash by Meena Kadri at Flickr.com


  • mmmmm… yes this is a summary. but if your looking for an actual summary of my week I did classes, procrastinated, did work on wednesday, and then did this. and that’s basically it.



  • I learned that for a first project you should start small and try to develop a minimum viable product, which is a prototype for a game that allows you see wat is fun and wats not and also seeing whether or not your idea will work.

Game Genres from the Simplest and Most Difficult to Create

  1. Racing Game
  2. Top-Down Shooter
  3. 2d Platformer
  4. Color Matching Puzzle Game
  5. 2D Puzzle Platformer
  6. 3D Platformer
  7. FPS
  8. JRPG
  9. Fighting Game
  10. Action Adventure
  11. Western RPG
  12. RTS


  • you should play a wide variety of games to help you understand what works and what doesn’t work when making a game. you should also learn to analyse games as you play them.


  • today the protagonist was me, and the antagonist was my royally horrible work ethic every single day I struggle to just motivate myself to do anything really. In fact I feel like taking a nap right now


  • 1st idea: A 2D puzzle platformer that integrates limited teleportation mechanics into the gameplay. I would also want it to have a sort of “limited open world” feel like where its not very linear and as multiple endings because that would be cool.
  • 2nd idea: A top-down shooter similar to that of “enter the gungeon” or “binding of issac” but it takes place in space and as you travel from planet to planet.
  • 3rd idea: I don’t really know ow this would work but i’m envisioning an RPG where you play as a man who is sort of trapped within his own unconious mind as he trys to recover from amnesia? I dont know.
  • 4th idea: A fighting game where you play as different species of animals from around the world as they fight for survival because nature is cruel.
  • I dont currently have a 5th idea.


I dont know what to put here but i answered the survey.

4th period game design personality card

(If these are related to why i’m in this class) My whys are:

  • I have always loved video games and I have always wanted to see the process that went into creating them.
  • I want to create a game whether that’s through, art, programming, or sound.

Meyers-briggs result:

Multiple Intelligence’s test result:

I am Spacial (3.71), Social (3.29), and Nature (3.14) oriented according to this test

My shapes are the Circle, Zigzag, and Rectangle

Career Interest: when browsing the Games section of screenskills.org I found a career called a concept artist which is what I have always wanted to be but never knew the name of the job, being a concept artist would be my dream job as it would allow me to continue to pursue my love of creating art, but would also allow me to work with game company.

I’m done with the assignment I think. I don’t really know.