4th period game design personality card

(If these are related to why i’m in this class) My whys are:

  • I have always loved video games and I have always wanted to see the process that went into creating them.
  • I want to create a game whether that’s through, art, programming, or sound.

Meyers-briggs result:

Multiple Intelligence’s test result:

I am Spacial (3.71), Social (3.29), and Nature (3.14) oriented according to this test

My shapes are the Circle, Zigzag, and Rectangle

Career Interest: when browsing the Games section of screenskills.org I found a career called a concept artist which is what I have always wanted to be but never knew the name of the job, being a concept artist would be my dream job as it would allow me to continue to pursue my love of creating art, but would also allow me to work with game company.

I’m done with the assignment I think. I don’t really know.